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Wednesday Mar 12th     3:58 AM PDT                                  

Equipment List

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Written by Greg King Sunday, 16 November 2014 00:00

DISCLAIMER! This document is nothing more than the musings of the author as he attempts to perform the stated tasks.  Conclusions and approaches
may very well be incorrect, inefficient, or otherwise outside of professionally accepted best practices. Use this document at your own risk! In this
document, screen outputs will be presented in green. Where keyboard input is required, the prompt will be in bolded red. # means you should be at the
super user prompt, $ means you should be at an
user prompt. Do not include these prompts in your input! The command to be typed will be
shown in blue.
# ls -al
means you type ls -al at the super user prompt.

The intent was to build a lab network that could simulate 4 routed networks with multiple systems on each.  To accomplish this, I've equipped the lab as itemized below.  With the exception of the KVM switch and heavy duty rack, all items were purchased on the used market through E-Bay or other resellers with a budget of under $3,000.  The NAS device was about $2k, but it is an 8 bay ZFS nas with 8x4tb drives in a raid-6 configuration yeilding about 18TB.

  1. Sunblade 2500 Silver w/4gb ram, 2x146gb SCSI drives
  2. Oracle Netra T5220 w/64gb ram, 2x146gb SAS drives
  3. 3 each Sunblade 1500 Red w/2gb ram and 2x160gb ide drives
  4. Cisco SG300-20 20-port layer 3 switch
  5. Sun Type 6 keyboard and mouse
  6. 2 each Sun Ray 2 thin clients
  7. Infortrends EONNAS 810
  8. Heavy Duty Baker's rack with wheels
The SUNblades are SUN4u architecture
The Netra is a SUN4v architecture

  Solaris Lab
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